When Madison Reed saw an opportunity to enter the bond building market with a product that strengthens hair, repairs damage, AND protects hair color, Bonding Time Bond Building Treatment was born. With heavy hitters like Olaplex and K18 already gaining popularity, we acted fast and created a product that was just as, if not more effective for a fraction of the cost of other bond building treatments in the market.
With elevated packaging, clean photography, and informational assets, we launched our campaign for Bonding Time. I was a key contributer to the photo + video shoot, design direction, and execution of launch assets - from shot lists, to on-set art direction, to storyboarding and all the way through to asset execution.
Above is a peek into some of the photography we produced, and below are some videos from the product launch.
product launch marketing
"sizzle reel"
instructional "how to use" video

The launch emails for this product drove high levels of engagement within our audience. The emails had high scrolling engagement, driving higher than typical click through rates, a healthy number of new subs, and the campaign was responsible for over $40k in revenue.
We also relied on organic social media marketing for the launch of this product - leaning more heavily into education and the science backing this serum in order to establish trust in the brand, strengthening our brand presence as the hair experts.

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