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Eek! I'm 4 days late on my new years resolutions and goals. #lifehappens. Sean and I booked a spontaneous trip to Portland to celebrate NYE and we just got back yesterday, so instead of hitting the gym and getting started on new year resolutions on the first, I started my year with a slice of pizza at 1am, champagne and donuts. C'EST LA VIE!

With that being said... I haven't completely let my life spiral into a gluten filled pit. I am just giving my body time to relax and reset after the holidays before I get working on my 2018 goals, so I'll be pretending the new year starts fresh on Monday the 8th. Plus... It's easier to start fresh after having enjoyed the holidays to their fullest potential.

Sean and I spent New Years dinner talking about all of the things we did, experienced, and accomplished, which was actually really fun. We each picked a favorite experience from every month of 2017, then we talked about our goals for this year. I think I will make this a tradition because it made me feel really good about 2017 accomplishments, and excited for new year goals. Here's a recap of some of my favorite memories from last year. Here's to hoping 2018 is even half as amazing as last year.

So what are my resolutions? This year I'm not making any. Anyone else feel like a year is a long time to set a resolution for? With all of the responsibilities life brings, a new years resolution seems to just fall by the wayside within a matter of weeks or the first few months of the year. So this year, instead, my goal is to start doing monthly intentions. Last year I was SO busy with wedding and honeymoon planning that I didn't have much time to set any other goals. So that means this year I have A LOT I want to do... and I would rather set short term goals for myself. Things to do, remember and achieve every month. Plus- a lot can change in a year, and knowing me, I will have new goals and resolutions a few months from now anyway so this just works for me! So with that, I am ready to start this year strong and make 2018 the best yet!

Here's what January looks like:



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